The Ultimate Guide for First-Time Flyers with Anxiety

 What if any, can you offer as tips for a person with anxiety who will be 

a first time flyer?

Here are a few tips for a person with anxiety who will be a first-time flyer:

Educate yourself: Learn as much as you can about the flying process, including take-off, 

turbulence, and landing. Understanding what is happening can help alleviate some of your 


Prepare for the flight: Pack items that will help you relax, such as headphones, a book, 

or a stress ball.

Arrive early: Get to the airport early so you have plenty of time to go through security 

and board the plane. This can help reduce stress and anxiety.

Distract yourself: Bring something to distract yourself during the flight, such as a book, 

music, or a movie.

Talk to someone: If your anxiety is severe, consider talking to a mental health professional 

before your flight. They may be able to offer additional tips or strategies to help you cope.

Seek Support: Inform the staff of your anxiety and if possible, request for a special seat 

or extra support during the flight.

Breathe: Practice deep breathing techniques to help calm your nerves and reduce anxiety.

Remember, flying is a common form of transportation, and many people fly without incident. 

With proper preparation and the right mindset, you can reduce your anxiety and have a successful 


Use relaxation techniques: Try using mindfulness or meditation techniques to help you relax during 

the flight. You can also use guided imagery to visualize a peaceful scene, or practice progressive 

muscle relaxation to release tension in your body.

Pack essentials: Pack essentials like earplugs, a neck pillow, a blanket, and a water bottle to help 

you stay comfortable during the flight.

Avoid caffeine and alcohol: Consuming caffeine and alcohol can increase anxiety levels, so it's best 

to avoid them before and during the flight.

Get moving: If possible, try to get some exercise before your flight. This can help release endorphins, 

which can help reduce anxiety and improve mood.

Seek support: If you have a friend or family member who you feel comfortable with, consider bringing 

them with you on your flight. Having someone you trust with you can provide a sense of security and 


Fly during the day: Night flights can be more anxiety-provoking for some people, so consider flying 

during the day if possible.

Be kind to yourself: Remember that it's normal to feel anxious about flying, and try not to be too hard 

on yourself. Be kind to yourself and give yourself credit for taking the step to fly despite your anxiety.

Remember that it's important to listen to your body and take care of yourself. If your anxiety becomes 

overwhelming, you can always reschedule your flight for another time. And always remember, you can reach 

out for professional help if needed.

Listen to music: Listening to calming music can help you relax and reduce your anxiety. You can create a 

playlist of soothing songs or use a relaxation app to help you focus on something other than your anxiety.

Try aromatherapy: Aromatherapy can help soothe the mind and body. You can bring essential oils or a diffuser 

with you on the plane, and use scents like lavender, peppermint, or eucalyptus to help you relax.

Use a fidget toy: Fidgeting can help release nervous energy and distract you from your anxiety. Bring a 

toy like a stress ball, a fidget spinner or a fidget cube to help keep your hands busy.

Plan your trip ahead: Plan your trip ahead of time and make sure you have all the details of your flight, 

accommodation, and transportation. Knowing what to expect can help reduce uncertainty and anxiety.

Get a window seat: Sitting by the window can give you a sense of control and a distraction by looking out 

the window.

Try a therapy animal: Some airports and airlines allow therapy animals on board. You can look into options 

to bring a therapy animal with you on your flight.

It's important to remember that everyone's experience is different, and not all of these tips may work for you. 

But by trying different strategies, you may find a combination that works best for you to reduce your anxiety 

while flying. Remember to always be kind to yourself and don't hesitate to reach out for professional help if 



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